We are a one make Vintage Car club and provide sporting and social events, displays and runs for our members. We support all Austin 7 cars from 1923 to 1938 by obtaining parts and technical help to keep the marque alive. We have an associate membership if you don't own an Austin 7. All welcome.
Based in Cheltenham. We have 400+ members of all ages. The majority are in Victoria and many others from interstate with a few international members.
We support all models of Austin 7's and encourage the younger members in learning the traditional skills in maintaining these older motor vehicles and their learning their history.
We have rallies around Victoria and join in with interstate clubs for other runs.
Traditionally, (for over 46 years) in May, we run a weekend at Winton Motor raceway for Historic race Cars and Historic Bikes called Historic Winton. We are supported by an army of volunteers to make it a success.
Another section we support is Mud Trials with specially modified vehicles. This is of more interest to the younger members.
To describe areas covered within the club would be equivalent to Men's Shed / Historical Records / Sport.
See the website www.austin7club.org for more information.
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