Chelsea Community Support Services

Welfare / Support servicesWomenYoung people
Providing the local area with emergency relief (food parcels, bill assistance and financial assistance), information, referrals and advocacy for people experiencing financial and personal crisis. We have a Support Worker and Peninsula Community Legal Centre co-locate every second Friday.

Chelsea Community Support Services provides information, support and financial relief to struggling individuals and families in the area. We use community development principles to inform and support people to manage their low incomes and access all available schemes (Centrepay, Utilities payment plans , No Interest Loans). We believe in providing a hand up rather than a hand out although there are times when people in crisis need a food voucher and/or food from our pantry (through Foodbank Victoria and in partnership with Pantry 5000).

Our workforce consists of volunteers and three part-time paid staff . We provide accredited training to all new volunteers and ongoing training opportunities for all . ChelCSS also provides work experience and student placement opportunities to Social Work, Community Development, Psych and Counselling students.

Kingston Council provide ChelCSS with operational funding and our Emergency relief funding is through the Department of Social Services. We also receive financial support in the form of donations and grants from local churches and businesses, service clubs and philanthropic trusts.

To volunteer for our Committee of Management send resumes to


Opening Hours

Opening Hours Monday to Friday 9:30am to 3pm. Walks in welcome.

Client catchment postcode areas: 3195, 3196, 3197
*between Mordialloc Creek and Eel Road, Carrum


Chelsea Community Support Services, 1A Chelsea Rd, Chelsea 3196 View Map

Google Map

Local Transport

Train, bus


Ramp entry
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