Family Life is an independent, innovative community organisation, dedicated to working with vulnerable families and communities since 1970. Through effective services, support and connections, Family Life’s mission is to enable children, young people and families to thrive in caring communities.
Through effective services, support and connections, Family Life’s mission is to enable children, young people and families to thrive in caring communities.
Family Life takes a whole-of-family, whole-of-community approach, to build resiliency and healthy relationships for vibrant, connected, supportive communities.
Early adopters of social enterprise, for many years we have supported disadvantaged youth into employment through our Op Shop social enterprises and Peopleworx program. The Creating Capable Communities strength-based programs include our proven Community Bubs program and Creating Capable Leaders. Other programs & services include work with families affected by complex issues such as child abuse & neglect, family violence, mental illness, homelessness & social isolation; Family Relationship & Dispute Resolution Services, parent education, specialist support for children with parents separating and/or in conflict and SHINE Children’s Mental Health Program.
In 2016 and again in 2018, Family Life was recognised for its innovative approach when named in the top ten Not-for-Profits across Australia in an Australia Post and Westpac survey involving 1,100 Not-for-Profits measuring the Innovation Performance of the sector.
Family Life has a strong record of partnering with Federal, State, local government and philanthropists to pilot innovative new approaches for the improved health and well being of children, young people and families.
Family Life uses an evidence-informed, outcome-based approach, with a reputation for innovation and knowledge sharing. Family Life has contributed to policy and practice change in the areas of child well-being, family violence prevention & response, and social enterprise innovation.
Family Life is proud of its exemplary history as a provider of quality services. We provide services in accordance with a range of contemporary legislation, standards and departmental policies and guidelines. Family Life’s DHHS funded Integrated Family Services, Family Violence Support Services and Men’s Family Violence Services have been certified as being fully compliant with the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services Standards (“HSS”) and ISO 9001:2015.
The My Community Life website and content on this page is entered and managed by Community Groups. If you have any questions about a particular listing, please contact the relevant Community Group.