Food For Change Foundation Clayton South Health & wellbeing Food For Change is a not for profit charity who takes unused land and grows fresh food for those in need
Bayside Food Swap Mentone Environment and sustainabilityHealth & wellbeing Join a sustainable local food economy group by growing your own food & sharing excess with your community.
Parea Social Club Inc. Hughesdale MulticulturalOlder People Promoting Greek activities on a Saturday night.
Emergency Resources - Food Relief (Christian Resource Care Ltd) Dingley Village Welfare / Support services Emergency Resources is a ministry of Kingston City Church that offers food relief to struggling families in the local community of Kingston and surrounding suburbs. Our services have been operating since 1994 through our program founder, Pastor Joy Hansen.
Destiny Care Melbourne Dingley Village Charity (DGR status)Emergency reliefVolunteer organisationWelfare / Support services This group operates out of the rear of Destiny Church.
"SOS Inc." St Augustine's Outreach Services. Mentone Education & learningEmergency reliefOlder PeopleWelfare / Support servicesYoung people SOS Inc is an initiative of St Augustine’s Anglican Church Mentone. Since February 1995, it has been operating within the church’s premises as a non-profit organisation providing group programs and direct benevolent assistance to people in need from local and surrounding communities.
AAPS Op Shops Moorabbin Animals AAPS is a not for profit animal welfare organisation dedicated to awareness, action, and advocacy for animals in our community.
Bayside Community Care Cheltenham Charity (DGR status)Welfare / Support services Bayside Community Care is the benevolent care arm of Bayside Church and provides support and relief through various projects in the bayside suburbs of Melbourne.
Bayside Community Information and Support Services (BayCISS) Hampton East Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderCharity (DGR status)Children & familiesCommunity centres, neighbourhood houses & activity hubsEmergency reliefLGBTIQMenMulticulturalOlder PeoplePeople with disabilitiesVolunteer organisationWelfare / Support servicesWomenYoung people BayCISS is a not for profit organisation supporting community members in Kingston and Bayside in times of need. BayCISS is primarily a volunteer organisation providing support, advocacy and information for all community members.
Bonbeach Farmers Market Bonbeach Health & wellbeing The monthly market, brings together around 50 stalls at Bonbeach Primary School on the 2nd Sunday of the month 8.30am -12.30pm.